About Us
- Nichols Happy Dog Kennel was first started by John and Dixie Nichols back in 2003.
- Their granddaughter Aly has always loved working alongside Dixie helping with all the chores that go along with keeping and running the Kennel.
- Aly took over the kennel from Dixie in January 2015, and changed the name to Aly's Happy Dogs LLC.
- I have always been an animal lover. Some wonder why I have so many breeds. I actually have the breeds that I like, and feel make good family dogs. My AKC dogs are Bichons, Boston, Miniature Schnauzers, and Havanese. I also have a mini poodle male which I cross with my Bichons, and Cavaliers. I also cross my Cavaliers with Bichons, and Havanese. All of these make nice family pets. I have one Standard Poodle I cross with the OES to make F1 Sheepadoodles, and one F1 Sheepadoodle female which I breed to a Standard Poodle to get a nice large dog for people who like large dogs. They are easy going mild mannered dogs that are great with families.
- All puppies are dewormed, and vaccinated for Parvo, Distemper, and Adenovirus before going to their new homes.
- I am on 10 acres in the middle north of Indiana sitting between Fort Wayne, and South Bend. 2hrs North of Indianapolis.